
Privacy Policy 
As a congregation of the Methodist Church in Ireland, Craigmore Methodist Church takes your right to privacy seriously. This section outlines what we do to maintain the security of any data you provide to us, how we use the data you provide to us and outlines the rights you have to control the data you provide to us. 

Data Protection Principles

Craigmore Methodist Church complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as implemented in the United Kingdom during May 2018. We aim to ensure that, when processing information belonging to individuals, we will use that data: 
  • Lawfully;
  • Fairly;
  • Transparently, and; 
  • For limited purposes.
We seek to request only data that is relevant and necessary. We endeavour to ensure that such data is: 
  • Accurate; 
  • Not kept for longer than is necessary, and; 
  • Kept secure and confidential. 
We will review this policy regularly.

Your Rights

You have data protection rights that you can exercise over the information you provide to us. These rights include the right to:
  • Be informed how your data is being used; 
  • Have access to the information we hold about you; 
  • Have inaccuracies corrected; 
  • Have your information erased; 
  • Object to, or restrict, the ways we process your information; 
  • Not be subject to decisions made by automated processing including profiling, and; 
  • To receive your digital information in a useful and usable format. 
There may be some legal restrictions on these rights, which we will explain as necessary. If you feel your rights haven’t been upheld please write to us at Craigmore Methodist Church, 20 Orken Lane, Aghalee, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT67 0ED, United Kingdom. You can also e-mail   

Our Contact Details

If you need to get in touch with us please write to The Minister, Craigmore Methodist Church, 20 Orken Lane, Aghalee, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT67 0ED, United Kingdom. You can also e-mail   
Your Data

We may record and process some or all of the following personal information about you, dependent upon the information you provide to us:
  • Contact details, including address, phone numbers and e-mail addresses;
  • Photographs and video recordings;
  • Religious beliefs;
  • Social media profiles, when you contact us via a social media account. 
We use this data so that we might:
  • Fulfil any services you may request; 
  • Share experiences in fellowship and ministry to inspire and encourage;
  • Follow any other Methodist Church in Ireland directives as recorded in the annual Minutes of Conference.
Legal Bases for Processing

Our legal bases for processing your data are usually ‘legitimate interests’ for activities related to the everyday functioning of the church [GDPR Article 6.1(f)] and ‘consent’ for everything else [GDPR Article 6.1(a)]. 

When using ‘legitimate interests’ as the legal basis for using the information you have given us we will ensure it is for a genuine purpose, necessary for the smooth running of our Church, and not unnecessarily invasive to your privacy. For all other purposes we will ask for your positive consent before processing your details.

We are able to process ‘special categories of personal data’ (e.g. religious beliefs) in the course of our legitimate activities because we are a not-for-profit body with a religious aim relating to you as a member, former member, or person with whom we have contact [GDPR Article 9.2(d)].

Sharing Your Data

Only people appointed to specific roles within Craigmore Methodist Church and/or the Methodist Church in Ireland (e.g. Ministers, Lay Preachers, Society and Circuit Stewards, Members of the Church Council and our Website Administrator) can access your details. The information they are provided with is limited to what they need in order to carry out their role.

We sometimes post photographs and/or video taken at church events on this website and/or on other online platforms, including Craigmore Methodist Church social media accounts.

Information you submit to us: 
  • Via our website, may be stored by our website partner Duda, a company headquartered in the United States of America with offices at 577 College Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94306 and in the United Kingdom at 18 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AH England.
  • By e-mail, may be stored by Google, a company headquartered in the United States of America with offices at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043 and in the United Kingdom at 1-13 St. Giles High Street, London WC2H 8AG England. 
  • Via Facebook, may be stored by Facebook, a company headquartered in the United States of America with offices at Menlo Park, California 572364 and in the United Kingdom at 1 Rathbone Square, London, England. 
Data Security and Retention

As a congregation of the Methodist Church in Ireland, we use: 
  • Microsoft Office 365 for the storage of digital files, which has integrated appropriate security measures to keep your data safe, including instances where servers are located outside of the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area;
  • Duda One to support our website, a system which has integrated appropriate security measures to keep your data safe, including instances where their servers are located outside of the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area;
  • G-mail for electronic mail, a service which has integrated appropriate security measures to keep your data safe, including instances where their servers are located outside of the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area;
  • Facebook for the provision of social media services, a service which has integrated appropriate security measures to keep your data safe, including instances where their servers are located outside of the United Kingdom and European Economic Area.
Electronic and portable memory devices are protected by passwords or equivalent security measures.

Subject Access Request

You have the right to ensure our use of your data is lawful, and that the data we hold is accurate. If you would like to access the data we process about you, please write to The Minister, Craigmore Methodist Church, 20 Orken Lane, Aghalee, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT67 0ED, United Kingdom. You can also e-mail In order for us to locate the information you are requesting, to ensure proof of your identity and to fulfil your request, we may request you confirm:
  • Your name (including any names by which you used to be known);
  • Address, including Post Code, e-mail address(es) and telephone number(s).
In response, and within one month at the latest, we will send to you:
  • The personal data we hold on record for you;
  • The types of processing we do with your data;
  • The people/groups with whom your data will have been shared (or will be in the future);
  • Our intentions regarding how long we might store your data, or;
  • Our reasons for not providing your data.
We will not charge for this service unless you make multiple requests within a short space of time.

Further Information

You can learn about Data Protection principles, your rights, and more – including making a complaint about our handling of your data – from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). In Northern Ireland, visit, call 0303 123 1113 or write to the Information 
Commissioner's Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England SK9 5AF United Kingdom. 

Queries and Questions

Please address any queries or questions you may have to The Minister, Craigmore Methodist Church, 20 Orken Lane, Aghalee, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT67 0ED, United Kingdom. You can also e-mail   

Date of Publication

This policy was first published on 19 October 2018 and last updated on 17 November 2018. 

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